Possible locations
  • Ukraine
  • Remote work
Technologies & tools

Must have:

  • .NET
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Azure


  • React Native
  • TDD

We invite a skilled Senior Full-Stack Developer to join a project for one of our clients, a global leader in veterinary care, aiming to revolutionize veterinary care and improve the lives of pets and their owners across Europe. The company strives to achieve its mission of not only providing the best physical veterinary care in Europe but also being the most advanced digital veterinary group. They will leverage their physical leadership to create strong digital relationships with pet owners, allowing them to provide a seamless omni- experience, foster loyalty through personalization, and provide the right care, at the right time.

As a Developer, you will join one of our domain-focused teams. This could be starting at the beginning of the customer journey on client’s websites, through to managing the in-clinic systems used by vets, or working on pricing algorithms for the many services the company offers. You will be building on top of our Azure-hosted Serverless environment, developing primarily in .NET and React whilst following best practice Test Driven Development.

Your role

  • Build industry-defining products within an autonomous engineering team consisting of 5-8 team members
  • Feed into important technical decisions on the future of the systems, in collaboration with other teams and supporting roles such as Architects, DevOps, and QA
  • Work closely with your Team Lead and Product Manager to deliver the most effective solutions to KPIs
  • Contribute to continuous improvements focusing on quality within your team
  • Develop with the latest technology in a cloud-native environment internally to ensure that projects are on track to deliver anticipated benefits and value

Your skills
  • At least 5 years of relevant professional experience in writing robust, maintainable, and extendable code in C# .NET
  • Experience with front-end development using React
  • Experience with cloud architecture and technologies, especially Azure
  • Familiar with the TDD approach

Job no. 240919-F96Z4

Why Sii

Strong and stable employer

financially stable, competitive salaries, contracts in EUR

Fascinating projects

prestigious brands from around the world, long – term contracts and preferred partner status for many clients

Technology expertise

{axdata: internal_number_workers; 7 000} experts, partnerships with biggest vendors like Microsoft, Amazon, Google, SAP

Invest in your development

workshops, webinars, training platform, and technology blog – you choose

Project suited to you

Do you want to change your career path? Is your project coming to an end? We’ll find you a new one! We have an app for this – Job Changer

Attractive benefits package

private healthcare, special funds for passions realization, language courses and more

Great, comfortable offices

perfect place to work, integrate, have fun together; possibility to relocate

Remote work

home office or hybrid work​ possibilities


integration events for you and your family

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