Possible locations
  • Mexico
  • Remote work
Technologies & tools
  • Python
  • AWS
  • Kubernetes
  • Docker
  • API
  • RESTful API
  • SQL

We seek a passionate Software Engineer with a DevOps twist to join Sii and build our client’s robust advanced analytics and machine learning solutions that have a direct impact on the business. You should have a demonstrable history of software development experience, team leadership, and value delivery and be comfortable working in a product model using Scrum. You should be comfortable with the B2B work model and work in the US time zone to adjust to the client’s team.

Your role

  • Owning end-to-end projects from conception to operationalization, demonstrating an understanding of the full software development lifecycle
  • Designing and implementing scalable applications that leverage prediction, image recognition, and natural language processing models
  • Contributing to core advanced analytics machine learning platforms and tools to enable both prediction and optimization model development
  • Working with the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning team
  • Providing technical vision and guidance to your team members
  • Solving machine learning problems
  • Leading team using SCRUM methodology

Your skills
  • At least 5 years of professional experience in software engineering, data engineering, machine learning, or related field
  • Ability to write robust, maintainable, and extendable code in Python
  • Expertise in developing and managing REST APIs
  • Professional experience in relational SQL
  • Knowledge of cloud architecture and technologies, preferably Amazon Web Services, Kubernetes, and Docker
  • Familiarity with technologies like Jenkins, ArgoCD, and FastAPI would be an advantage
  • Expertise in agile development and test-driven development
  • Good understanding of principles of solution architecture and technical design
  • Effective communication skills (with team members, the business, and in code reviews)

Job no. 240909-PRI44

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Great Place to Work since 2015

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Fascinating projects

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{axdata: internal_number_workers; 8 000}+ experts

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Financial stability

revenue of 480 EUR M, no debts, preferred supplier status for many clients

True values

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Employment stability

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Friendly management

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Investment in your growth

meetups, webinars, training platform and technology blog – you choose

Comfortable office

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Fantastic atmosphere

created by all Power People

Attractive benefits package

pension plan, wellness package, private healthcare, work insurances and more

Remote work

home office or hybrid work possibilities

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