Possible locations
  • Hungary
  • Portugal
  • Slovakia
  • Remote work
Technologies & tools

Must have:

  • MuleSoft
  • API
  • ESB
  • ETL
  • Microservices
  • LogicApps


  • Azure

At the Digital Competency Center, we are developing cutting-edge software and scalable integration platforms every day. Currently, our team consists of over 50 experts in the field of EAI.

Take the challenge, join us in the role of Mulesoft Technical Leader co-define technology engineering principles, and provide technical leadership for software engineers during the project for a manufacturer of building materials.

Your role

  • Provide technical leadership for software engineers during the project delivery activities
  • Design organization's engineering governance for both Client and Company needs
  • Direct the quality management of multiple projects or programs
  • Select and use tools and repositories to collect and manage architecture information and artifacts
  • Take a multifaceted approach to design to understand applications from all levels, from the "big picture" enterprise-level view to the low-level technical view
  • Solve complex software development/design issues, respond to new demands, priorities, and challenges

Your skills
  • Over 10 years of experience with Mulesoft API development, deployment, governance, and management practices
  • Knowledge of key integration patterns and tools such as event-based, messaging, ETL, ESB & microservices-based integration
  • Familiarity with the development lifecycle and different software development technologies, frameworks, and coding standards
  • Hands-on experience in cloud native principals, designs, and deployments
  • Familiarity with Twelve-Factor App principals
  • Experience in working in DevOps-based environments

Job no. 240724-M5JVN

Why Sii

Unique global projects

for hi-tech, banking, retail, finance, healthcare and automotive sectors

Employment stability

revenue of EUR 300 M, no debts, since 2006 on the market

Technology expertise

partnerships with the biggest vendors like Microsoft, AWS, Google, SAP

Strong and stable company

mature business processes, successful remote project management, competitive salaries, contracts in EUR

Great Place to Work Europe

thanks to our workers’ feedback, which makes us constantly implement new ideas

Remote work opportunities

for an IT services leader in Poland while travelling around the world

Investment in your growth

workshops, webinars, a training platform and a technology blog

Open-minded and available management team

quick decision-making, we’re all on a first-name basis

True values

these are not empty words – we’re guided by them every day

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