Possible locations
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • Georgia
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Moldova
  • Portugal
  • Slovakia
  • Turkey
  • Remote work
Technologies & tools
  • JavaCard
  • Java

Our client, a global leader in the semiconductor industry, is driving innovation in secure connectivity solutions for various markets, including new advancements in the automotive sector.

They are seeking JavaCard Applet Developers to join their newly formed team, which is focused on creating innovative system solutions for secure car access and enhanced vehicle interactions.

Your role

  • Turning customer needs and new use cases into clear product specifications
  • Creating secure JavaCard applets for various automotive use cases (examples: car access, battery management, telematic systems, and other car-to-cloud services)
  • Ensuring quality through internal and external testing
  • Providing technical guidance to the development team

Your skills
  • Minimum 3 years JavaCard Applet development experience
  • Strong communication skills, and experience with diverse teams (cultural, geographical)
  • Fluent English skills both verbal and written
  • Some experience in working in complex and geographically dispersed software development teams


  • Previous work with compliance certification of e.g. payment and eGovernment applications
  • Good understanding of cryptographic algorithms (e.g. DES, AES, RSA, ECC, PKCS)
  • Basic knowledge of automotive standards and procedures (IATF16949, FMEA, ASPICE, CMMI, ISO26262)
  • Experience in technically collaborating in a cross-industry organization (e.g. Car Connectivity Consortium)

Job no. 240722-4IQK3

Why Sii

Unique global projects

for hi-tech, banking, retail, finance, healthcare and automotive sectors

Employment stability

revenue of EUR 300 M, no debts, since 2006 on the market

Technology expertise

partnerships with the biggest vendors like Microsoft, AWS, Google, SAP

Strong and stable company

mature business processes, successful remote project management, competitive salaries, contracts in EUR

Great Place to Work Europe

thanks to our workers’ feedback, which makes us constantly implement new ideas

Remote work opportunities

for an IT services leader in Poland while travelling around the world

Investment in your growth

workshops, webinars, a training platform and a technology blog

Open-minded and available management team

quick decision-making, we’re all on a first-name basis

True values

these are not empty words – we’re guided by them every day

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