Possible locations
  • Bialystok
  • Bydgoszcz
  • Cracow
  • Czestochowa
  • Gdansk
  • Gliwice
  • Katowice
  • Lodz
  • Lublin
  • Pila
  • Poznan
  • Rzeszow
  • Szczecin
  • Torun
  • Warsaw
  • Wroclaw

We are seeking a dynamic and results-driven Business Development Manager to join our Cybersecurity Competency Centre – a Team of over 180 security specialists. The field of cybersecurity is at the forefront of technological innovation, enabling you to work with and sell the latest cutting-edge solutions and services. This constant exposure to advanced tools and technologies fosters an environment of perpetual growth and learning. Most importantly, a career in cybersecurity allows you to make a significant impact by protecting organizations from cyber threats, safeguarding sensitive information, and maintaining trust in digital interactions.

Your role

  • Researching and identifying potential clients in target markets (Polish and international)
  • Developing and executing strategies to penetrate new markets and expand our customer base
  • Actively acquiring new customers
  • Promoting and selling cybersecurity services
  • Co-creating an effective Cybersecurity sales strategy
  • Generating leads, preparing offers, negotiating contracts, closing deals, and following up on the client's requests
  • Cooperating with the Marketing Department to organize business events (conferences, workshops, etc.)
  • Building and nurturing relationships with current clients and providing exceptional customer service daily

Your skills
  • Proven experience in consultative sales
  • Familiarity with effective sales and negotiation techniques
  • Excellent ability to analyze customer needs to develop upsell and cross-sell strategies
  • Strong willingness to establish stable and satisfactory business relationships with customers and colleagues at all levels of the organization, including the Management Board
  • Proficiency in preparing compelling offers and business presentations, with the ability to convey the value of the services you are selling
  • Full proficiency in English, enabling effective cooperation with international business partners
  • Knowledge of Polish
  • Readiness for business trips
  • A can-do attitude, natural passion, and ability to establish positive relationships with people
  • Knowledge of the IT sector

Job no. 240712-OLSKP

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Great Place to Work since 2015

it’s thanks to feedback from our workers that we get this special title and constantly implement new ideas

Fascinating projects

prestigious brands from around the world, long-term contracts and preferred partner status for many clients

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We share the profit with Workers

Last year we allocated PLN 2,1BN to this benefit

PLN 500 000 per year for your ideas

with this amount, we support the passions and voluntary actions of our workers

7 500 experts and many development opportunities

Tech Communities, workshops, a training platform, and a technology blog – you choose

Employment stability

revenue of EUR 300 M, no debts, since 2006 on the market

Great, comfortable offices

perfect place to work, integrate, have fun together, and celebrate successes

Open-minded and available management team

quick decision-making, we’re all on a first-name basis

True values

these are not empty words – we’re guided by them every day

Fantastic atmosphere

created by all Sii Power People

Attractive benefits package

private healthcare, benefits cafeteria platform, car discounts and more

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