Possible location
  • Gothenburg
Technologies & tools
  • ISO26262
  • Functional Safety Concept (FSC)
  • Technical Safety Concept (TSC)

Sii Sweden on its development journey is looking for a talented Functional Safety Engineer who can join the project for one of our customers from the automotive industry.

With us, you’ll get the opportunity to extend your knowledge and attend webinars according to your interest, be part of regular integration parties, and receive the benefit of the pension plan, wellness package, and insurance possibilities.

Hope to see you on board!

Your role

  • Drive the development of functional and technical safety concepts within the function, system, subsystem, software, and hardware
  • Co-developing Impact analysis and making recommendations for inclusion of accurate safety criteria in system design and procedures to control or eliminate hazards
  • Develop technical work products specific to functional safety requirements, e.g., item definition, criticality analyses, other safety analyses, and test coverage analysis for safety requirements
  • Develop and integrate Functional Safety standards and industry common practices into corporate processes according to ISO 26262
  • Ensure technical specifications and other work products are prepared, and stored correctly, and revisions are managed and released in a timely manner

Your skills
  • Master of Science in Electrical, Applied Physics, and Mechatronic Engineering
  • Knowledge of functional safety activities and deliveries according to ISO 26262
  • Documented experience of working with Safety Analyses at HW and SW levels including HW/SW FMEA & FTA, Performing DFA, ensuring freedom of Interferences
  • Hands-on experience with the hardware-software interface (HSI) and SW/HW Architecture
  • Fluent English

Job no. 240627-UXWAZ

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